A cook book necessarily relates to a particular kind of book which contains information regarding to recipes, ingredients to be used and also some tips and advice about the basics of cooking.A recipe book is often called as the Bible of the Cooks which helps them in keeping a proper direction during the food preparation.Cookery books for most of us will mean that we will become a decent cook and it will help us in increasing our culinary knowledge and skills. The books related to culinary art have a rich historical background and have been written from times immemorial.They have differed from one region to another depending on the eating habits and cooking styles of that area.The earliest collection of recipes that has been found in Europe is De re coquinaria, which was written in Latin.There was an even earlier version of cookery book which was compiled in the 1st century.But all these historic books were more of a compilation of favorite recipes of the author or a training manual for the chefs who were trained to cook for banquets and elite households.They did not include the food and cuisines Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4142150